Forename directory - Names / meaning for "Sergio"

People with the first name "Sergio"

Sergio Abraham Sergio Alexander Sergio Almeida Sergio Anello Sergio Badoo Sergio Biccu Sergio Boisier Sergio Boix Sergio Bonesso Sergio Bonini Sergio Bravo Sergio Busquets Sergio Cabral Sergio Castaneda Sergio Castellan Sergio Castelli Sergio Castillo Sergio Chazarreta Sergio Congiu Sergio Daniel Sergio Dreilich Sergio Ducoulombier Sergio Díez Sergio Esau Sergio Escriche Sergio Faraone Sergio Franco Sergio Gabriele Sergio Gacitúa Sergio Gelfenstein Sergio Goiri Sergio Gonzalez Sergio Guarneros Sergio Gurciullo Sergio Gámez Sergio Hart Sergio Hernandez Ortiz Sergio Hoyos Sergio Ibáñez Sergio Jaramillo Sergio Jimenez Sergio Lara Sergio Leonardi Sergio Leone Sergio Leotta Sergio Lima Sergio Limiano Sergio Linhares Sergio Lopez Villar Sergio Mantilla Sergio Marchionne Sergio Martinez Sergio Mendez Sergio Mendoza Sergio Miranda Sergio Mollica Sergio Morrison Sergio Muñoz Sergio Namur Sergio Nardi Sergio Nassif Sergio Orellana Sergio Ortiz Sergio Pacheco Sergio Palacios Sergio Palma Sergio Pantoja Sergio Pellegrino Sergio Perez Sergio Pommerening Sergio Portilla Sergio Ramirez Sergio Ramos Sergio Reynoso Sergio Ribeiro Sergio Rivas Sergio Rivera Sergio Rodriguez Sergio Roldan Sergio Roman Sergio Ros Sergio Rosales Sergio Ruiz Sergio Schwartz Sergio Serrano Sergio Stofenmacher Sergio Tadeu Sergio Tarantino Sergio Teles Sergio Temporelli Sergio Ulises Sergio Valencia Sergio Valente Sergio Vastano Sergio Vega Sergio Vera Sergio Vergara Sergio Weber Sergio de Araujo Sergio lo Curzio
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Information about "Sergio"

For this Sergio there are 30065 different names on Yasni.

Most common last names for Sergio are: Alves, da Silva, Silva

In the ranking of the most common first names Sergio is on position 174.

During the last seven days Sergio was searched for 142 times.

Meaning of "Sergio"

Male first name (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese): Sergio, Etruscan (Roman family name), originally a Roman family name, the surname is probably of Etruscan origin of unknown significance, in Eastern Europe, spread by the cult of St. Sergius of Radonezh (14th century), yet contributed four popes named Sergius He who guards and protects (refers to the person who cares for and protects his people).

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